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About Sigaram

Sigaram books are best enhanced tool designed to fill the gap in the tamil assessment books available in the market. Many parents are frustrated for not getting the right assessment book  in the market that improve the child’s grade up  and to produce good results consistently.

Our books are designed by qualified teachers with commonly tested vocabulary in exams, grammar and compo theme’s to move the grades up in PSLE and other school exams. They are handy with easy tear away formats, revisions made simple, develops the skills for your child to write excellent compo’s using mind map techniques.

Our PSLE tamil guide book spell out clearly the strategies to approach questions in different sections, Good tips to face oral and PSLE exam confidently  and ways to improve the presentation skills in compo’s to stand out and score well in Exams. It also comprises of important exam related topics based thirukkural, palamozhi, Maraputhodargal, Iniyathodargal, Mozhivalam, Picture discussion – vocabulary to move up your child’s grade consistently.
